Fundraising a Go-Go

By Lacy Wood

If it seems we have been quiet lately, I assure you we have been busy bees behind the scenes. As some of you may already know, the Kalsada team has been hard at work the past few weeks putting together our IndieGoGo fundraising materials. Fortunately at Kalsada we have so many talented individuals working together to make this happen that all of our strengths together make us a winning team!

On my end, I’ve just finished the draft text for the campaign. There is so much to express in such limited space! I like my prose like I like my coffee: strong, clear, and a lot of character.

Here is what the rest of the team has been working on:

Fundraising Platform

Choosing our fundraising platform was a big decision, with many considerations. As a social enterprise–and not a startup with a new tech gadget–Kickstarter was out immediately. Instead we looked at sites that are geared toward socially minded projects. It was important to us that we minimize the surcharge taken and also find a site that would help us promote our project. In the end, we thought IndieGoGo was a good balance of both.


We want to make sure that we raise enough funds for a productive trip to the Philippines. We’ve been researching places for us to stay in the coffee hotbeds of Manila, Davao, Cebu, and Northern Luzon and the most budget-friendly transportation methods. Having the proper numbers and forward planning will help us be transparent and allow us to accomplish more with less.

Kalsada Skype date

One of many Skype / Google Doc work dates connecting Seattle, Miami, LA, Manila, Paris.

One of many Skype / Google Doc work dates connecting Seattle, Miami, LA, Manila, Paris.

One of many Skype / Google Doc work dates connecting Seattle, Miami, LA, Manila, Paris.


We spent a few sleepless nights on Skype, writing and rewriting, collaborating on our storyboard and script in real time from Seattle, LA, Manila, and Paris. We originally wanted to create an animated video, but we are so anxious to present our ideas, that we decided to do live-action footage instead. We’re hoping to have it done before the end of this month!


I’d hate to give away the surprise, but we are definitely benefiting from the wealth of talent at our disposal with all of the artists and curators working at Kalsada. Expect original items brought to you by our creative team.

Look out world, Kalsada is a go-go!